The biggest challenges for HR to transform their Organisations into Agile Organisms

The biggest challenges for HR to transform their Organisations into Agile Organisms

Documenting our insights ?

What is the future of the workplace? How we will be working in 2022?

Innovation is a MUST HAVE nowadays for any company. Markets are being disrupted without mercy by smaller players who have the mindset and ways of working to respond to people’s ever changing needs. That’s what AGILITY is about. That’s precisely what companies DO NOT have.

Working in the innovation field with Design Thinking for 5 years we believe INNOVATION CANNOT BE ANOTHER SILO. Innovation is a mindset that needs to be lived by everyone in organisations for it to really happen. Since innovation comes with agility, how can we make everyone, at all levels, work in a more agile way?

We believe HR is the answer.

In July we got together with 20 professionals in the area of HR, software development and SCRUM facilitation we use Design Thinking to create ways for HR to embrace their role as drivers and facilitate the change to their colleagues. 


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