Exploring Causes & Effects in Workshops with diverse Participants and limited Tech

Exploring Causes & Effects in Workshops with diverse Participants and limited Tech

With our friends at the Butter Community we got our hands all greasy and dirty in the Workshop Garage yesterday! The challenge?

​Irene brought a case we could all emphasize with. How might we explore the causes & effects of a problem with a very diverse participant crowd!

​In this example, diversity was related to:

+ different digital literacy levels
+ multiple languages
+ various devices, mobiles, desktops etc.
+ bandwidth limitations

​We’ve put our heads together and came up with possible solutions for a sync workshop, an async option, and even a WhatApp workshop.

Some golden nuggets:

  • ​Use the check-in and practical warm-ups to split the group based on spoken languages, or digital literacy
  • ​Use the fishbone activity to identify behaviors, causes and effects
  • ​If you are limited to mobile devices only, why not try out a WhatsApp workshop: Start with a group call for intros > use mini videos with instructions and text messages, invite everyone to work in the same document (Google Doc, Padlet, Jamboard) and close with a call for reflection and next steps.


See the full documentation with links to the tools in our open.ex-lab.de

Join the next Session!

We collect workshop problems and challenges from you out there and choose one to give our feedback on. In a second step we brainstorm with everyone who joins the call together about methods, timelines, warm-ups, order of activities to bring the best ideas forward. A true case clinic!

Our idea is to have a big feedback party — a free exchange of knowledge around how to make people work together nicely to achieve a goal. So if you are interested in learning more methods, getting inspiration and contribute to a concrete challenge…join us!

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