The EX Field Guide is our collection of inspiring and impactful employee experiences from the real word.
Our goal with this project is to show the meaningful and surprising ways how workplaces are created by people who care about where, how and what they work for. It is an ongoing research project with the aim to produce a playful book that will help HR humans, People people and culture nerds to design their own experiences, together with their colleagues.

Exploring Causes & Effects in Workshops with diverse Participants and limited Tech
With our friends at the Butter Community we got our hands all greasy and ...

Building and testing prototypes at Wohlfahrtskongress 2022 in Berlin
On 27—28. September our own Julius will host a workshop about building communities at ...
Call for Experiences
We are looking for these inspiring stories from the field. Help us dis-, uncover fascinating ways of how people interact with each other at work. If you know something, someone, somewhere that you think is prime candidate to become a story for our Field Guide, please let us know so we can research this.