Neue Leadership Circles

It’s hard to lead a team for the first time — especially from your kitchen table. In late 2020 we build and hosted 3 peer-to-peer learning circles for first-time leaders in companies that are on a journey to self-organisation.
We created a space for emerging leaders to learn from each other and craft their unique style that fits with them and the values of the company.

It’s a whole different beast
The skills that got team leads into their position are not the skills that will take their team to the next level!
In facilitated sessions junior and senior leaders from all over the organization come together to share, reflect their ways of doing and try out novel practices of interacting with their team — all with the support from their trusted colleagues and experienced coaches that bring new methods and theories to act on.
It’s all about context
One size fits…one!
Every circle is unique — not just because we adapt it to organisational challenges but also because participants bring their own experience and specific, contextual knowledge that shapes the learning experience. Here are the teams we co-created and hosted the circles with:
Leadership cannot be trained in a 2 day seminar
Connection over content
It is an evolving, winding journey that requires: support, timely feedback, a safe space to practice and reflection. Sure, leaders don’t have a lot of time, but a good conversation among your peers is sometimes all you need to see and do things differently, one step at a time. In these circles we support and accompany leaders for 3-6 month.

The documentation: It’s alive! But no Frankenstein!
New Leadership Circles lay a trustful foundation for an ongoing conversation + action + reaction!
We provide a living documentation that grows with the circles and is a useful resource for remembering and learning. On top of that we provide facilitation tools + agendas and well documented sessions. That enables participants to keep the ball rolling in the future.

These programmes were supported by

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº8603318. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission or Start at Best Project cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information therein.
Read more — a lot more — here: