
Design Thinking Certification for Coaches

A training to drive innovation from within. Design Thinking for product development and organisational design. 



  • Train-the-Trainer format 
  • Full documentation for handover
  • Mentoring of new coaches

We worked with the Design@Business team to set the Design Thinking Coach Certification Programme. With a curated toolbox we trained colleagues on how to create delightful Customer and Employee Experiences and bring that knowledge to their peers.

From convincing stakeholders to the selection of the right methods, we know how to set up trainings to multiply skills inside organisations.

Our activities
  • Programme design
  • Selection of participants
  • Design and production of materials
  • Set up a community of practice
  • Design and execution of co-coaching sessions
  • Mentoring of coaches in day-to-day projects
  • Documentation for handover
Employee Experience Lab Nestlé Design Thinking Certification Programme
Seyda and Madlen coaching a team of new Design Thinking coaches

Innovation from within

Innovation is a mindset, not a department! our colleagues learned how to drive user-centric innovation and how to apply it to customer facing products and organisational design.

Especially designed for employees in large organisations

The format enables employees to keep up with their day-to-day while directly apply the new skills in their work. 

A toolbox to create a high-performing organisation

We formed a tight community of coaches who collaborate across functions, autonomously! they facilitate trainings and coach business challenges for each other.

A community of practice to change mindsets and multiply skills

We formed a tight community of coaches who collaborate across functions, autonomously! they facilitate trainings and coach business challenges for each other.

Do you need to train your colleagues and do not know where to start?

Let us know about your situation and we can design together a training catered to your needs.


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