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    The EX Field Guide is our collection of inspiring and impactful employee experiences from the real word.

    Our goal with this project is to show the meaningful and surprising ways how workplaces are created by people who care about where, how and what they work for. It is an ongoing research project with the aim to produce a playful book that will help HR humans, People people and culture nerds to design their own experiences, together with their colleagues.

    Employee Experience Lab Field Guide
    A prototype for the book with our first story from DAIWA House

    Call for Experiences

    We are currently looking for these inspiring stories from the field. Help us dis-, uncover fascinating ways of how people interact with each other at their workplace.

    If you know something, someone, somewhere that you think is prime candidate to become a story for our Field Guide, please let us know so we can get in contact with them. We are interested in wholesome management practices, inspiring leadership efforts, clever learning initiatives, uncommon team organization methods, fascinating company rituals, inclusive workspace design, purposeful events, unusual salary negotiations and everything in between and next to it…in short: all endeavors that make an organization and how people work in it unique and powerful.

    Tell us about a special experience

    You can also just send us an email

    Why we started this project

    Despite our diverse projects, we struggled to define employee experience concisely. Realizing the power of examples, we embarked on creating the Employee Experience Field Guide to inspire others in this field.

    Our goal is to demonstrate that EX Design doesn’t require complexity; rather, small interventions and intentional rituals can profoundly influence workplace satisfaction and productivity.

    In 2019, we launched Employee Experience Lab (EX Lab) in Berlin. The years before that we spend in innovation consulting and we realized that our work evolved towards internal services and culture initiatives, and in this is where we found our passion and saw significant impact.

    Fast forward 4 years through a pandemic to today: we developed onboarding programs for scale-ups, facilitated employee experience design workshops globally and established internal communities for large welfare organizations in Germany, fostering learning and exchange among their staff and volunteers. Now we want to focus on creating the Field Guide.


    Employee Experience Lab Field Guide

    Stay in the loop

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